1966 – Holmes

RJ discovers Sherlock Holmes – the detective’s deductive powers and immutable logic appeal to his somewhat obsessive nature

RJ enters the police force, working during the day and studying at night
with an almost monastic dedication, though, like his fictional hero, he is
fuelled by various stimulants. RJ becomes the youngest-ever Head of the Serious Crime Squad.

Frustrated by bureaucracy, RJ drifts towards the ‘dark side’. Inspired by the likes of Count Victor Lustig, George C. Parker, and Eduardo de Valfierno, he begins a life of ‘victimless crime’ targeting known, but ‘untouchable’, criminals.

RJ  discovers Sherlock Holmes – the detective’s deductive powers and immutable logic appeal to his somewhat obsessive nature

RJ enters the police force, working during the day and studying at night
with an almost monastic dedication, though, like his fictional hero, he is
fuelled by various stimulants. RJ becomes the youngest-ever Head of the Serious Crime Squad.

Frustrated by bureaucracy, RJ drifts towards the ‘dark side’. Inspired by the likes of Count Victor Lustig, George C. Parker, and Eduardo de Valfierno, he begins a life of ‘victimless crime’ targeting known, but ‘untouchable’, criminals.

Having amassed a substantial fortune, RJ decides on one final ‘mark’ before retiring. His confidence overwhelms his judgement, and he cons a Russian billionaire, selling him share options in a proposed United-City Manchester football team. . . .

Shortly afterwards his home in Sicily is razed to the ground whilst RJ sleeps.